Prêt du quartier gives you acces to small loans from $200 to $800. To be eligible, you must be referred to Option consommateurs by a community organization and meet certain criteria:
- You are a person of low income.
- You have an unexpected expense on an immediate need. For example,the purchase of tools making it possible to return to work, glasses, school materials, etc.
- You cannot get a loan from a financial institution.
- You have a certain capacity of reimburesement.
- You are or wish to become a member of a caisse populaire Desjardins.
- You live within the following quadrangle: Van Horne and Rosemont Boulevard (North), the Saint-Lawrence River (South), Pie IX Boulevard (East), Guy Street and Côte-des-Neiges (West).
Your loan request will be the subject of a budgetary consultation. If it is accepted by a loan committee, you will have a maximum period of 12 months to reimburse your loan without interest. Meantime, we will offer you a follow-up to accompany you in the management of your budget.
This service is offered in collaboration with the Mouvement Desjardins, la Caisse solidaire, Centraide, Alerte Centre-Sud and Action solidarité grand Plateau.