
Impact of your donations

Did you know thatOption consommateurs is a non-profit association? The pursuit of our mission tohelp consumers and defend their rights is made possible through partnerships and subsidized projects, but also thanks to YOUR support.

Your donations enable us to continue offering our services free of charge, and thus to provide concrete help to consumers, whether through our services (legal information, budget consultations, information sessions), through our collective actions or through our section dedicated to seniors.



Legal advocacy for consumers

In 2021 :

  • Desjardins paid out nearly 10 million dollars to insureds pursuant to a settlement reached with Option consommateurs in a class action suit filed against the insurance company for imposing a loan, life and disability insurance premium on student loans (Option consommateurs v. Desjardins). 
  • Settlements totalling more than 21 million dollars were reached in a matter whereby Option consommateurs accused companies that manufacture and distribute rechargeable lithium-ion batteries of plotting to fix prices (Option consommateurs v. Sony, Samsung, Panasonic, LG Chem and Sanyo – rechargeable lithium-ion batteries). 
  • An out-of-court settlement was reached with Léon, Brick, Brault & Martineau, Ameublement Tanguay and EconoMax providing for payment in the amount of $1,450,000 to consumers. The companies in question agreed to change their advertising on the financing plans they offer in order to comply with certain sections of the Consumer Protection Act (Option consommateurs v. Léon, Brick, Groupe BMTC and Ameublement Tanguay – advertising on financing plans). 
  • 32 million dollars was obtained in class action suits on behalf of consumers.  

Help for vulnerable populations


Annually, through our legal information service :

  • 1,400 responses to legal information requests.
  • 1.55 million people who are better informed of their rights thanks to our social networks.


Protection for seniors

In the past year :

± 2,000 people viewed four previously broadcast webinars.
+ 8,000 visits were made to the webpage for our seniors service.
125 seniors called us on the dedicated help line.

Annually, through our budget consultation service:

± 180 requests were made for information on financial and energy issues (credit report, bankruptcy, negotiating payment agreements with Hydro-Québec).
± 150 budget consultations and follow-ups were provided
± 5,200 people used our budget worksheet.
+ 60 information sessions were held with approximately 1,000 participants


Legal information service

" I’d like to thank you for the information and documentation you provided [when I consulted your legal information service], which could prove highly useful in the future. " - Ronald Cormier


Budget consultations service

" I'd like to thank Option consommateurs for offering me a free budget meeting. I was able to get a full picture of my situation and finally learned (at age 70!) how to keep my spending under control. A big THANK YOU! - Monique Cantin

Seniors services

" Your organization is of great value to seniors. The free conferences you offer give us helpful information and allow us to protect ourselves better, whether from online fraud, estate issues (will, protection mandate and power of attorney) or illegal business practices. " - Diane, Montreal


" I attended a webinar on estates, protection mandates and powers of attorney. Very well done, helpful and exceptionally well presented. The fact that we can rewatch your presentations on YouTube is also practical. Thank you for existing! I will definitely register for more presentations. " - Richard Dion