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OC v. and (ticket resale)


Option consommateurs has launched a legal action class action against ticket resale sites and

It maintains that these sites do not hold the authorizations required by show producers to charge prices higher than those charged by sellers authorized to sell tickets. and 514-Billet are therefore illegally charging consumers additional amounts.

What's more, according to Option consommateurs, and do not clearly disclose that they are ticket resale sites, thereby misleading consumers.

class action is designed to compensate consumers and merchants for overpayments, as well as for intentional breaches of the Consumer Protection Act.

class action is also seeking to have and cease their practices and modify their conditions of use to comply with the Consumer Protection Act.


Our members

All consumers and merchants within the meaning of the Consumer Protection Act residing and physically present in Quebec at the time of purchase, who, since October 13, 2020, have purchased at least one performance ticket from the defendant at a price higher than that advertised by the authorized seller, unless the defendant met the conditions set out in section 236.1 para. 2 CPA at the time of sale.


Where we are

On October 13, 2023, an application for authorization to practice class action was filed with the Quebec Superior Court.


For further information

If you would like to be kept informed of developments in this case class action, you can subscribe to our newsletter. You can also contact the law firm Sylvestre Painchaud + associés directly, which is representing Option consommateurs in this matter.