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Brick stores - Annual membership fees on "buy now, pay later" financing plans (updated December 7, 2016)


On November 5, 2009, we filed a motion for authorization to institute a class action against The Brick Warrehouse LP, a furniture, appliance and electronics retailer operating in Quebec under the name Brick. We accused this retailer of luring its customers with its slogans "Plus pay nothing for 15 months" and "No down payment, no monthly payment, no interest". In fact, consumers who signed up for Brick's financing plan had to pay an annual fee of $35, among other things.


Our members

People in Quebec who took out a financing plan to purchase goods at a Brick store were charged an annual membership fee or other equivalent.


Amicable settlement

An agreement was reached between Brick and Option consommateurs. On November 27, 2012, the Quebec Superior Court approved the settlement. In total, Brick agreed to pay more than $2 million for the benefit of the group's members.


As part of the settlement, Brick agreed to reimburse customers who took advantage of its financing program before May 1, 2010. Customers who made their purchases before May 1, 2009 were to receive their refunds directly by mail during January 2013. Customers who made their purchases between May 1, 2009 and April 30, 2010 were to receive a claim form by mail in January 2013.


An initial distribution of over $1.9 million has already taken place. During this distribution, it became apparent that some band members had been overlooked by Brick. Other members were compensated but did not receive the full amount to which they were entitled.


Where we are

We entered into a new agreement with Brick to allow forgotten members to benefit from the advantages offered under the first agreement and to compensate certain members who did not receive the full amount to which they were entitled. On September 2, 2016, the Superior Court of Quebec approved this agreement.


To make a claim

Brick has already mailed a cheque to partially compensated members who subscribed to the financing program before May 1, 2009. The company did this after updating their address using the National Change of Address Program program. This part of the claim is now closed.



Forgotten during the first distribution?

In this case, if you subscribed to the financing program between May 1, 2009 and April 30, 2010you must complete the claim form sent to you by Brick and mail it to Option consommateurs , or complete the electronic version at and follow the instructions on the form. To make your claim on the Internet, you must use the code found on the claim form you received by mail.


The deadline for submitting your claim is December 18 inclusive.


After this date, you will no longer be able to submit your claim.


You will be informed, by mail, of the outcome of the processing of your claim during March 2017.




If you have any questions, you can contact Option consommateurs by phone or e-mail :


Tel: 514 598-7288, ext. 242 or 1 888 412-1313, ext. 242 (toll-free)

Email: [email protected]


You can also contact the law firm representing Option consommateurs in this case, Belleau Lapointe.


Recent judgments


Approval of regulations (2012)


Authorization (2011)