
Nearly $111,000 raised during theOption consommateurs

Montreal, May 29, 2023 - Option consommateurs raised close to $111,000 at its fundraising event held last Thursday at Montreal's Auberge Saint-Gabriel.

To celebrate the association's 40th anniversary, 110 participants came together for an evening that gave guests the opportunity to exchange ideas and learn more about the moments that have marked Option consommateurs over the past four decades.

Two Option consommateurs awards were also presented. First, to Micheline Côté, who has been involved with ACEF de Laval for over 25 years. We thank her for her great contribution to the consumer movement. Secondly, to Mr. George Iny, President of the Automobile Protection Association, who has dedicated the last 35 years to protecting the interests of consumers in the automotive field. We thank him for his tireless commitment.

Option consommateurs would like to sincerely thank the evening's main partner, Belleau Lapointe. The organization would also like to acknowledge the contribution of its major partners, the Chambre de la sécurité financière and the Chambre des notaires du Québec.

The contribution of the event's allied partners - the Organisme d'autoréglementation du courtage immobilier du Québec, Sylvestre Painchaud & Associés, Énergir, the Office de la protection des consommateurs and the Caisse d'économie solidaire - was also essential. We should also mention the support of our associate partners (Sarrazin+Plourde, the Commission des plaintes relatives aux services de télécom-télévision, the Confédération des syndicats nationaux, the Insurance Bureau of Canada, BIP recherche, the Fondation pour les consommateurs, PAA Conseils and Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton). Many thanks to all!

Finally, the organization would like to express its gratitude to all those who took part in the event, whose contribution was essential to its success.

Funds raised at this event will enable Option consommateurs to pursue its mission of helping consumers and defending their rights.

This fundraising dinner rounded off the festivities surrounding the association's 40th anniversary. A major conference and two round-table discussions were also held during the spring.


About Option consommateurs

Option consommateurs is a non-profit association whose mission is to defend the rights and interests of consumers. It focuses on issues related to personal finance, business practices, financial services, privacy, energy, debt and access to justice.


For further information:

Marie-Ève Dumont, Director of Communications


[email protected]