
Public consultations on the fight against poverty

In the past, the government introduced legislation to guide to guide the government and Quebec society as a whole in planning and implementing actions to combat poverty, prevent its causes, mitigate its effects on individuals and families, counter social exclusion and work towards a poverty-free Quebec. In the current context, this target is becoming increasingly difficult to achieve.

Indeed, with the meteoric rise in spending on housing and food, expenses intimately linked to essential needs without which we cannot aspire to a decent life, Option consommateurs is proposing a series of measures to help consumers, such as improving certain government allowances and ensuring better access to housing (section 1).

We are particularly concerned about the housing issue. Every week, we hear from consumers who are faced with agonizing choices because of the ever-increasing proportion of their income that must be spent on housing. Moving to the regions is no longer an option for reducing housing costs. In our view, the situation is alarming and must be addressed.

We would also like to take advantage of these consultations to propose various measures to strengthen consumer rights and support advocacy groups in Quebec (section 2), as well as to increase funding for SACAIS (section 3). These requests are intended to provide Quebecers with greater access to justice.