
Discriminatory practices against young people when renting a car - A request toclass action is authorized.

Montreal, July 14, 2021 - An application byclass action, formerly known as a class action, has been authorized by the Superior Court against several short-term car rental companies for allegedly engaging in discriminatory practices against drivers under the age of 25, contrary to the Consumer Protection Act.

The lawsuit targets a dozen car rental companies, including Enterprise, Alamo, National, Avis, Discount, Globe and Budget Auto. Option consommateurs accuses these companies of charging extra fees to customers aged 16 to 24, or outright preventing them from renting a car or certain vehicle models because of their age. These practices are imposed even when young drivers are already covered by their own insurance.

Although it is permissible in certain circumstances to make a distinction, exclusion or preference on the basis of age, for example in an insurance contract, no exception is made by law for vehicle rental.

"These consumers are already paying more to insure their vehicles because of their age, so they're paying twice as much because they're young. What's more, a 22-year-old driver could just as easily have more driving experience, better habits or a better driving record than a 26-year-old, for example," says Sylvie De Bellefeuille, lawyer and budget and legal advisor at Option consommateurs.

Theclass action aims to stop this discrimination and obtain a monetary award. If you have entered into such a rental contract or if you have been refused a rental of a vehicle or certain types of vehicles since August 16, 2016, when you or the driver were aged 16 to 24, we invite you to register in order to receive information on the progress of the case:


About Option consommateurs

Option consommateurs is a non-profit association whose mission is to defend the rights and interests of consumers. It focuses on issues related to personal finance, business practices, financial services, privacy, energy, debt and access to justice.




For more information or an interview:

Marie-Ève Dumont, Communications Consultant


[email protected]