
The privacy bill is necessary, but adequate funding is essential

Montreal, September 29, 2020 - Option consommateurs supports Bill 64 on the protection of personal information and calls on the Quebec government to adopt it as quickly as possible.

In its brief tabled today in the National Assembly, Option consommateurs argues that the government must double the budget of the Commission d'accès à l'information (CAI) to enable it to play its role in the face of digital technologies.

"The CAI will be responsible, among other things, for receiving notices of security breaches, monitoring the application of new standards in the digital context, and imposing sanctions on offending companies. Not only does it need more modern laws, it must also be given sufficient resources", argues Alexandre Plourde, lawyer and analyst at Option consommateurs.

In addition, Option consommateurs is delighted that Bill 64 proposes measures that will make companies more accountable when it comes to protecting personal information, and offers a much-needed preventive and dissuasive approach.

Option consommateurs believes that Bill 64 does not seriously challenge business models based on tracking and the massive collection of consumer data.

"A consumer who uses the services of Facebook or other web giants will still have to agree to provide his data to these companies. Their only real option is not to use their services. An illusory choice, given that many people today depend on these platforms," laments Me Plourde.

To strengthen the law, Option consommateurs proposes to explicitly include the right for consumers to refuse to be tracked online. Option consommateurs also believes that the bill should prohibit data processing that causes unlawful discrimination or economic exploitation of consumers. The use of information gathered on children for commercial purposes should also be outlawed.

About Option consommateurs

Founded in 1983, Option consommateurs is a non-profit association dedicated to helping consumers and defending their rights. It is in contact with consumers who are experiencing budgetary difficulties or who have questions about their credit file. The organization has also been involved in privacy issues for several years.


For more information or an interview:

Marie-Ève Dumont, Communications Consultant


[email protected]

Read the brief