
Your finances in complete safety - A guide for seniors

At Option consommateurs, we're well aware of the difficulties seniors face when it comes to their personal finances, and the risks they run of fraud or financial abuse. These can be linked to the use of payment methods (old and new), powers of attorney and joint accounts.

In 2017, we carried out research entitled "Mieux renseigner les aînés pour les protéger de l'abus financier" (Better informing seniors to protect them from financial abuse) in collaboration with Université Laval's Chaire de recherche AntoineTurmel sur la protection juridique des aînés (Christine Morin) and Ms. Marie J. Lachance, full professor of consumer sciences at the same university. This research, to which we refer throughout this guide, enabled us to meet 100 seniors, whose average age was 79. We interviewed them about their use of various payment methods
payment methods, power of attorney and joint accounts. We also discussed the delicate subject of financial abuse. The data collected contributed to the production
of this guide.

Our aim in publishing this guide is to increase seniors' knowledge of the various payment methods, powers of attorney and joint accounts. We also want to make them aware of the main frauds they can fall victim to, and how to protect themselves against them. All this will help them develop safe behaviors that will reduce the risk of financial abuse.

This guide is intended for seniors aged 55 and over who want to learn more about different payment methods and adopt safe behaviours. It is also
caregivers and people who work with seniors. They will find relevant information to help them improve their interventions.