
Class actions

What is a class action ?

A class action is a procedure enabling a single person to represent a group with the same problem. A single favorable settlement or judgment can compensate, individually or collectively, thousands of people who would not otherwise have obtained justice.

For information, you can also call the Class Action Assistance Fund at 514 393-2087.



On October 28, 2010, Karine Robillard filed a motion for authorization to institute a class action against several polyurethane foam manufacturers. We accuse these companies of having conspired with each other (and with other competing companies), since January 1, 1999, to artificially fix the price of polyurethane foam by [...].

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Following the 1998 ice storm, Option consommateurs filed a class action against 19 insurance companies. The class action seeks to compensate consumers whose homes became uninhabitable during the 1998 ice storm, and whose insurance contracts provided coverage for additional living expenses. [...]

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Ice storm 1998: settlement with the 15 other insurers

Following the 1998 ice storm, Option consommateurs filed a class action against 19 insurance companies. The class action seeks to compensate consumers whose homes became uninhabitable during the 1998 ice storm, and whose insurance contracts provided coverage for additional living expenses. [...]

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Description In 2007, Option consommateurs joined the class action suit against Merck Frosst Canada, the manufacturer of Fosamax. The organization believes that the manufacturer failed to adequately inform consumers and healthcare professionals about the risks associated with the use of this drug, and continued to sell it despite these risks. The [...]

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Mortgage penalty and early repayment

Description We have filed class actions against the Bank of Montreal, the National Bank of Canada and the Fédération des caisses Desjardins du Québec to obtain reimbursement of certain penalties imposed on consumers in the event of prepayment of a real estate mortgage. These companies calculate the penalty on the balance without deducting the amount [...].

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Description On May 9, 2005, we joined the class action against Pfizer, the manufacturer of Neurontin (Gabapentin), an anticonvulsant. Approved for the treatment of epilepsy in combination with other medications, Neurontin is often prescribed on its own to people suffering, for example, from bipolar disorder, migraine, panic attacks or agoraphobia. [...]

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